Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Noises, noises, and more noises!

This is the last "big" event that took place here in my home and I'll begin with that. This happened about a month or two ago. It's hard to keep track of times since there's so much else to worry about when something like this happens. No matter how much "used to" it you think you are because you've experienced things for a long time, it still gets to you or else it still gets to me. I'd like to think I'm tough but in some cases that's not the case. Some days I can handle it, others I just wish I wasn't alone in it. One thing I have learned is that I'm never, ever alone ..... and I mean that in a good way.
This experience was not one of those good ways. One early morning well before sunrise I sat here in my living room and heard a loud sound. I know the sound of cats jumping off my roof, of animals and such, of limbs, acorns and everything else that can go bump in the night around my home and .....those just didn't fit this bill. It sounded like something extremely powerful exploded right at my back door. Now, if you've ever lived in a mobile home, you know that they don't "settle" like a house does. It was louder than that. All my animals heard it and jumped, then looked that way. I had one that went very close to the door. Just after the booming sound, I thought I saw a shadow kind of half figure float across my kitchen from the corner of my eye. I turned around to look fully, taking my eyes off the door. My dog was looking, too. I seen the shadow but no form just as it dissipated into the corner where my microwave sits.
The rest of that night, the dog who saw this thing, too, after he stopped barking at it mind you, he would cry and whine. He would get me up from my chair and lead me to his food and water bowls in the kitchen and show them to me. They were full of food and water and he wanted to eat but wouldn't. I couldn't figure why. I tried to coax him to eat, stood there with him and still he wouldn't eat. For about a month, or month and a half after this he wouldn't go into the kitchen without trepidation. We had realized he was afraid to eat in the kitchen as he had been doing all his life. This began immediately after he saw that shadow thing in there and hear the boom. Even when coming to bed, at the place where the shadow was seen crossing, he'd hesitate and then run as fast as possible through that spot to get to the bedroom. A few weeks ago we were able to move the food and water back to where it had always been and just now he has gotten to where he doesn't hesitate.
To make this even more interesting, when he would go into the kitchen without fear again was just after I did a cleansing of my home and the entities I felt were removed. It was only like hours after this that my dog was no longer afraid of the kitchen.
This is just one instance. The day before this occurrence is also interesting. That will be next.
~Kyrie eleison on the road I must travel, Christe eleison on the road into the night.~

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