Friday, April 10, 2009

And I Move On .....

If it isn't bad enough that my cat only looks at this thing I spoke of in the last post, just as it ran by inches from her and my headphones cord dangled for the normal amount of time as if something physical hit it when it did run by, and all of us witnessed it .... yet my cat didn't move, just looked at it ..... How about a watch that continually reset itself to 3 AM especially when I'd had a nightmare? It happened more than once. The second time it happened it reset itself to 3 AM then said "ToDaY" exactly like that. Huh? Last night, months and months after not touching the watch, I threw it away on a cleaning spree!
Oh yes and the cleaning spree .... I had a very nice dream, one in which a dear, dear friend of mine was guiding me. I was still talking with her as I woke up. I had been feeling a demonic presence within the house. It is something I just felt in my gut as to what this was. It was literally making my life and mind-state hell and I was fighting it tooth and nail so I didn't go crazy .... Then something happened. While I still felt the presence of my friend, I watched as it was removed. I felt at least three to five spirits being taken out of my home.
Prior to this, with the gut feeling of a demonic presence in my home this time (this is not the first by any means!), five faces manifested on my closet door in my bedroom. One of them was a half human, one side of his face burnt. Burns always get to me and they know this. Another, that worried me most was not human looking at all ..... and after this night with the dream and experience of them being literally thrown out of my home, only the one image remained on the closet door. This image had literally disappeared and came back several times at intervals. It would fade and reappear. It had energy to it, also. After the spirit was removed, the image stayed put. Guess it wasn't around to remove itself to scare me and then replace the image, huh? It happened.
Last night, after over a month of refusing to touch it like the watch, I scrubbed that door until it shined! The door had remained unused and untouched for over 6-8 months or a year ..... until last night. This morning I'm very proud of myself and am at ease. Thank you Carmen! You're tops on my list and my inspiration. Thanks for helping me! I don't feel the image will return at all. I feel better going to bed finally and not looking at that face. And in the process, my bathroom counter and sink literally squeak they're so clean ...... LOL! And a special thanks to Oxygen Orange for the removal of the inhuman half form/face!
This really is a time of change for me, a good change, a lasting change! I can feel it in my gut. After I get through the nightmares I had and now have done this cleaning, I feel things lifting off my shoulders and going into the hands of God and also I feel myself coming out again. I also am getting a direction to which way to go and what's coming in my life. I'm being prepared. I just know it. I'm being prepared for something I never dreamed of. And I can't help but smile.
With that said, I want this horoscope to go down in the records. I've been realizing, admitting and facing every fear I've held in for far too long.

Scorpio Horoscopes

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow

Friday, Apr 10th, 2009 -- The Moon's visit to your sign indicates a couple of days of heightened emotional intensity, yet the changes you go through now can be of lasting significance. You might be fearful of the unknown and could react by holding on to an old habit or a relationship that's no longer serving your best interests. But this isn't about recklessly dropping someone or something; it's about initiating action that increases growth and leads to evolution.

~Kyrie eleison on the road I must travel, Christe eleison on the road into the night.~

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