Friday, April 10, 2009

And I Move On .....

If it isn't bad enough that my cat only looks at this thing I spoke of in the last post, just as it ran by inches from her and my headphones cord dangled for the normal amount of time as if something physical hit it when it did run by, and all of us witnessed it .... yet my cat didn't move, just looked at it ..... How about a watch that continually reset itself to 3 AM especially when I'd had a nightmare? It happened more than once. The second time it happened it reset itself to 3 AM then said "ToDaY" exactly like that. Huh? Last night, months and months after not touching the watch, I threw it away on a cleaning spree!
Oh yes and the cleaning spree .... I had a very nice dream, one in which a dear, dear friend of mine was guiding me. I was still talking with her as I woke up. I had been feeling a demonic presence within the house. It is something I just felt in my gut as to what this was. It was literally making my life and mind-state hell and I was fighting it tooth and nail so I didn't go crazy .... Then something happened. While I still felt the presence of my friend, I watched as it was removed. I felt at least three to five spirits being taken out of my home.
Prior to this, with the gut feeling of a demonic presence in my home this time (this is not the first by any means!), five faces manifested on my closet door in my bedroom. One of them was a half human, one side of his face burnt. Burns always get to me and they know this. Another, that worried me most was not human looking at all ..... and after this night with the dream and experience of them being literally thrown out of my home, only the one image remained on the closet door. This image had literally disappeared and came back several times at intervals. It would fade and reappear. It had energy to it, also. After the spirit was removed, the image stayed put. Guess it wasn't around to remove itself to scare me and then replace the image, huh? It happened.
Last night, after over a month of refusing to touch it like the watch, I scrubbed that door until it shined! The door had remained unused and untouched for over 6-8 months or a year ..... until last night. This morning I'm very proud of myself and am at ease. Thank you Carmen! You're tops on my list and my inspiration. Thanks for helping me! I don't feel the image will return at all. I feel better going to bed finally and not looking at that face. And in the process, my bathroom counter and sink literally squeak they're so clean ...... LOL! And a special thanks to Oxygen Orange for the removal of the inhuman half form/face!
This really is a time of change for me, a good change, a lasting change! I can feel it in my gut. After I get through the nightmares I had and now have done this cleaning, I feel things lifting off my shoulders and going into the hands of God and also I feel myself coming out again. I also am getting a direction to which way to go and what's coming in my life. I'm being prepared. I just know it. I'm being prepared for something I never dreamed of. And I can't help but smile.
With that said, I want this horoscope to go down in the records. I've been realizing, admitting and facing every fear I've held in for far too long.

Scorpio Horoscopes

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow

Friday, Apr 10th, 2009 -- The Moon's visit to your sign indicates a couple of days of heightened emotional intensity, yet the changes you go through now can be of lasting significance. You might be fearful of the unknown and could react by holding on to an old habit or a relationship that's no longer serving your best interests. But this isn't about recklessly dropping someone or something; it's about initiating action that increases growth and leads to evolution.

~Kyrie eleison on the road I must travel, Christe eleison on the road into the night.~

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

and ... more noises!

The night before the big boom at my back door took place there were some "starter bangs", if you want to call them that! I'll just lay it out for you guys.
I was soundly asleep around 7 AM. I hadn't heard hubby getting ready for work like usual I was so tired that night when I went to bed. I awoke suddenly to what sounded like someone at my bedroom door in the kitchen that had fallen flat on their face without catching themselves at all or stopping the fall in any way. As a former Firefighter/EMT I knew that a conscious person would try to stop the fall, as is basic human survival instincts and self preservation instincts. That's the only way I can describe it. It sounded exactly like someone just fell, boom, onto the floor face first without interference of any sort. The first thought went through my head that something horrid had happened to my husband and I needed to run in there, see his condition and call 911. I did just that. He wasn't in there and the sound was where I was now standing just outside the bedroom door. Since I had been sound asleep when I heard it and it woke me up so suddenly, I second guessed what I had heard or at least the direction of it. I already knew he wasn't in the master bathroom, so I went all through all the trailer and even opened the front door and looked outside and on the porch for him. I was taken back, so I looked at my watch to see the time. He was already at work! To make sure ..... (no people, I'm not a debunker at all, right!) I called his cell phone. He was sympathetic to my plight of the strange and LOUD noise and helpless but he was at work and had been for a half hour. He was fine. No one was in or around my home. Everyone was still asleep or at work but me.
I have had 13 years of experience working on ambulances and fire trucks. I know the sound of an unconscious body hit the floor. I usually didn't have to look to know .... until this one morning. This was the sound of a human body but no human was in sight.
This same night, the night before the last post I just made happened, I was sitting in the living room watching TV not thinking on the strange morning's events. I looked toward my computer desk and thought I saw something very small and dark, not totally black but dark running across the floor. It was about the size of a gerbil or large rat. It was neither. I got a good enough glimpse to know it was see-through, yet myself and my animals all heard it hit the wall with a loud "thump". I was taken aback. I noticed also that the cord to my headphones I use on the computer was dangling off the desk. This cord was swaying and it was in the path of whatever that was that ran past it and into the wall. My dogs got on the arm and back of the couch and looked at the wall and behind the couch while my eyes didn't stray from the still-dangling headphone's cord. I watched it until it stopped. I know this wasn't a physical anything that small because my cat is a very avid hunter. She lives outside most of the time and happened to be inside that night. The thing ran not even inches from her and she never moved but she was awake to see it. If it were any type of small animal or rodent, she'd checked it out at the very least. She chases anything that moves!
~Kyrie eleison on the road I must travel, Christe eleison on the road into the night.~

Noises, noises, and more noises!

This is the last "big" event that took place here in my home and I'll begin with that. This happened about a month or two ago. It's hard to keep track of times since there's so much else to worry about when something like this happens. No matter how much "used to" it you think you are because you've experienced things for a long time, it still gets to you or else it still gets to me. I'd like to think I'm tough but in some cases that's not the case. Some days I can handle it, others I just wish I wasn't alone in it. One thing I have learned is that I'm never, ever alone ..... and I mean that in a good way.
This experience was not one of those good ways. One early morning well before sunrise I sat here in my living room and heard a loud sound. I know the sound of cats jumping off my roof, of animals and such, of limbs, acorns and everything else that can go bump in the night around my home and .....those just didn't fit this bill. It sounded like something extremely powerful exploded right at my back door. Now, if you've ever lived in a mobile home, you know that they don't "settle" like a house does. It was louder than that. All my animals heard it and jumped, then looked that way. I had one that went very close to the door. Just after the booming sound, I thought I saw a shadow kind of half figure float across my kitchen from the corner of my eye. I turned around to look fully, taking my eyes off the door. My dog was looking, too. I seen the shadow but no form just as it dissipated into the corner where my microwave sits.
The rest of that night, the dog who saw this thing, too, after he stopped barking at it mind you, he would cry and whine. He would get me up from my chair and lead me to his food and water bowls in the kitchen and show them to me. They were full of food and water and he wanted to eat but wouldn't. I couldn't figure why. I tried to coax him to eat, stood there with him and still he wouldn't eat. For about a month, or month and a half after this he wouldn't go into the kitchen without trepidation. We had realized he was afraid to eat in the kitchen as he had been doing all his life. This began immediately after he saw that shadow thing in there and hear the boom. Even when coming to bed, at the place where the shadow was seen crossing, he'd hesitate and then run as fast as possible through that spot to get to the bedroom. A few weeks ago we were able to move the food and water back to where it had always been and just now he has gotten to where he doesn't hesitate.
To make this even more interesting, when he would go into the kitchen without fear again was just after I did a cleansing of my home and the entities I felt were removed. It was only like hours after this that my dog was no longer afraid of the kitchen.
This is just one instance. The day before this occurrence is also interesting. That will be next.
~Kyrie eleison on the road I must travel, Christe eleison on the road into the night.~

Monday, April 6, 2009

Why Am I Doing This?

I have asked myself this time after time and the only reason that keeps repeating itself is to share my experiences so that they might help others with the same experiences, to let them know that they are not alone in a world that seems void of any believability, sensitivity, and filled with confusion for the one experiencing these things. I want to reach out and help others. I've had so many tell me their own stories and ask about mine. This blog is for you all and the ones who haven't reached me yet. For everyone who's ever felt frightened, alone or even like no one can understand them or what's happened or is happening to them.
Have you ever looked into the darkness and seen eyes peering back at you? I have. It literally shook my world. When I began to realize that I was actually experiencing things that were beyond this physical world, my world changed. My mind and beliefs changed. My world turned upside down and it became a very frightening and lonely world to live in. In my blog description I say I will talk about things that aren't human, some inhuman entities and that's true. Do I believe some of the things that were happening to me came from the realm of the demonic or evil? Yes. Do I believe that everything that happened came from this? No. I have had a very wide variety of things happen to me and is still happening to me that have come from all kinds of beings, entities, spirits, or whatever you wish to call them, with intelligence and with various intents. Some good, some bad, some evil, some neutral.
I come to you from a point of view of a Wiccan High Priestess, although I do believe in other things and views as well and will direct my comments, for the most part, to a general audience no matter what Religion or belief system you follow. I know the occult. I know the Pagan beliefs. I was once attending a Christian seminary, so I know Christian theology as well. I was and am a student of both the paranormal and Religion itself. I'm a student of parapsychology and metaphysics. I'm a student of life most of all and that's important to remember. I have to remind myself of this daily.
Faith is a very important part of dealing with and recovering from serious hauntings. It is the most important element of overcoming anything of the paranormal realm, especially if it's a negative haunting. This blog is for my personal experiences and feeling since those. I have another blog, which will be linked here soon, for my theories from my research and investigation in the field. That's the place to look for all the other stuff you may wish to know about me.
Please leave me comments. I've set it so anyone at all can post comments. Those are what keep me going and telling my story to all that will listen. The more views I get, the more followers of the blog I get, the more feedback and comments I get, the more I will share and write. This is my introduction. Welcome to my world.
~Kyrie eleison on the road I must travel, Christe eleison on the road into the night.~